Justyna Tabaszewska is an assistant professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Editorial Board of the “Teksty Drugie” bimonthly. She specializes in literary and cultural studies, especially memory studies. She is the author of three books – the last was Poetics of Memory, a third, Servile Humanities, will be published in early 2022 – and articles published in “Second Texts,” “Przegląd Kulturoznawczy,” “Wielogłos,” “Pamiętnik Literacki,” and in other periodicals. She is a recipient of the Scholarship for Young Talented Scientists (Ministry of Science and Higher Education), and of the Prime Minister’s Award for a Distinguished PhD Thesis. She was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna in 2021 and currently started her scholarship (Bekker NAWA Programme) at the Goethe Universität. She works on a project concerning Polish cultural and communicative memory after the 1989 breakthrough and the issue of future in memory and affect studies.

Key Publications:

Poetyki pamięci. Współczesna poezja wobec tradycji i pamięci [Poetics of Memory. Contemporary Literature in the Light of Tradition and Memory], Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, Warszawa 2016.

Young Polish Literature in Affect, in “New Trends in Slavic Studies 2”, ed. S. Cuadros et al., Editorial House URSS, Moscow 2020.

Is There a Place for Postcolonial Reflection in Popular Polish Travel Books?, in AnOther Africa? – (Post-)Koloniale Afrikaimaginationem im russischen, polnischen und deutschen Kontext, ed. J. Domdey, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 2016.

The Price of Participation. Short-Range Cultures and World Literature, “Wielogłos” 3/2019.

Na granicy faktu. Kategoria faction w badaniach nad współczesnymi biografiami [At the Limit of Fact: Faction in Studies on Contemporary Biographies], “Teksty Drugie” 1/2019.

Zapomniane emocje [Between Affects and Emotions], “Przegląd Kulturoznawczy” 2/2018.

Przeszłe przyszłości. Afektywne fakty i historie alternatywne, alternatywne [Past Futures: Affective Facts and Alternative Histories], “Teksty Drugie” 5/2017.

Literaturoznawstwo służebne [Servile Literary Studies], “Teksty Drugie” 1/2017.

Zepsuty afekt [Broken Affect], in Ciała zdruzgotane, ciała oporne, red. A. Lipszyc, M. Zaleski, Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, Warszawa 2016.

On Polish Memory Studies, “Teksty Drugie”, English Issue 1/2016.