Tilmann Habermas (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Memory and Narrative Psychology: Emotion and Autobiographical Narrating – the Example of Anger

Friday 14 January 2022 4:15 pm 

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Narrative is the major means for communicating memories and the emotions associated with them. Using the example anger, means to communicate and elicit emotions are exemplified, and the need to justify these emotions in order to elicit sympathetic listener reactions by underscoring that appraisal conditions are fulfilled is illustrated with autobiographical narratives of personal experiences.

Tilmann Habermas teaches psychoanalysis and clinical psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt. His work focusses on the role of narratives for coping with emotions, on the development of life narratives, and on the co-construction of narratives in socialization and psychotherapy.


(Click to see poster as PDF)