Alejandro Muñoz Aporta is a predoctoral researcher at the Department of German and Slavic Philology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he is currently working on a thesis on Memory and Literature in Germany and Israel from 1945 to 1968. His aim is to explore how the shared past of these two countries was dealt with in early narrative works (novels and short stories) and how this verbalization intertwines with a reflection on women’s position in each society. His research interests also include contemporary representations of war in German, French and Spanish literature, as well as intersections of Literature and Visual Arts (comics, films and other forms). He is a member of the research group ELCEG (Literary, Culture and Gender Studies) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


-“« Le fils sera contre son père ». Le rejet de l’héritage paternel dans la BD des descendants de survivants de l’Holocauste”. Intercâmbio, 16, 2023, pp. 43-57.

-“Cotidianeidad en tiempos de guerra: el diario de Pilar Duaygües como fuente para la historia de las mujeres en el siglo XX” in Rodríguez Varela, R. (ed.), Narradoras de la Historia. Madrid: Dykinson, 2023, pp. 146-159.

-“The Grandchildren of the Perpetrators: The Third Generation after the Second World War” in Fernández Bueno, M. and Vollmeyer, J. (eds.), Repensar el pasado: La memoria (trans)cultural europea. Madrid: Dykinson, 2021, pp. 65-74.